
Film and theatre director, stuff for stage and screen. he si doing both as he is interested in story telling.

Story telling, design and way to engage audience.

His aesthetic languege is really important for him.

Inspiration, influnces and research:
He does lots of writing art and disecting it and putting it together. Its about the process.

Jiri Trnka – communist movie – Hand/ Ruka Raising against the regime.

Jan Svankmajer – experimentation with textures and materials, Motional response in what you’re seeing – material how does it behave.

No practice is just in one course, it is affected by all practices and all visuals, the research and variety of things you see. Your response to it, why is this good, why is this bad?
Life after – a big show about 100 people, big scenery and puppetry, About world without death.

Man who was afraid of falling – emotive story in a humble way, humble visuals. Its about colours, telling the story and building the world from the scratch. Connection with the protagonist is a main idea Joseph is trying to create, by close up on the main character. Cezzane and paul klee inspiration, he wanted the movie look like a painting, even the colour palette is appropriate to czezane. The idea of making bigger projects out of simple materials is his methodology.


Joseph Wallace was very interesting speaker. His apporach to work was very tightly tied up with czech animation, yet taken upon with salient process. I enjoyed his idea of methodology, creating his new world.
His composition, colour palette and imagery processing is very strong and I believe that is one of the reasons his work works so well.

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